The Gila Trout is one of the rarest trout species in the United States. The extent of the historical distribution of the Gila Trout is not known with certainty. It is known to be native to higher elevation streams in portions of the Gila River drainage in New Mexico, San Francisco River drainage in Arizona and New Mexico, and tributaries to the Gila River in Arizona. By the 1950s, however, its range was reduced to only four streams in the Gila River headwaters in New Mexico, and none were found in Arizona. The Gila Trout was listed as federally endangered in 1967 and re-classified as threatened in 2006 after efforts to restore populations were successful.
Today, Gila Trout conservation is guided by the Gila Trout Recovery Plan (2003) and the Gila Trout Recovery Team, which is composed of professionals from New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, US Forest Service, US Fish and Wildlife Service, the University of New Mexico, and the Arizona Game and Fish Department. The agencies continue a program of stream restoration – removing nonnative species, constructing barriers to prevent nonnatives from reinvading, and returning Gila Trout to streams. Currently, five remnant lineages exist (Main Diamond, South Diamond, Whiskey Creek, Iron Creek, and Spruce Creek) and there are pure populations of Gila Trout in 21 streams in New Mexico and four streams in Arizona, due to ongoing restoration efforts. Gila Trout have been restored as a sport fishery to four reservoirs and one stream in Arizona, and in New Mexico there are currently 4 streams where you can catch a wild Gila Trout: Black Canyon, Willow Creek, Mineral Creek, and Mogollon Creek. There are 6 additional locations in New Mexico that are open to angling and contain stocked populations. Additionally, the Mora National Fish Health and Technology Center (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) maintains captive populations of all four Gila Trout lineages. Gila Trout can grow to about 17-18 inches and are yellowish-brown, gold or copper.
Fishing for Gila Trout was once restricted under its status as an endangered species. The down-listing to threatened in 2006 includes a special provision that allows the states of New Mexico and Arizona to manage the species as a sportfish in select areas for the first time in almost 50 years. Guidelines have been developed to allow for limited sport fishing in specific waters where stocking of non-native trout was replaced by stocking of Gila Trout. Most restoration streams continue to be protected from angling. However, allowing for limited angling for a unique native species can increase public knowledge and support for its conservation. Such support may come from both sport fishing enthusiasts and private landowners that might benefit from allowing access to fishing on their property. Involvement from the general public and landowners provides opportunity for increased Gila Trout restoration and should result in a conservation benefit to the species. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the State wildlife and fisheries management agencies responsible for establishing fishing regulations work to ensure that angling pressure does not prevent, but enhances, progress toward full recovery. Gila Trout angling will continue to be managed by the States as long as the population remains above the recovery threshold.
Between 2007 and 2021, the Western Native Trout Initiative has provided $479,375 in funding to 11 projects in Arizona and New Mexico to benefit Gila Trout conservation. Projects have ranged from barrier construction/restoration to keep non-native trout out of conservation waters, habitat assessment after catastrophic wildfires, and public outreach and education.

Additional Resources
- Read the final Gila Trout Revised Recovery Plan (Sept 14, 2022)
- Read more about New Mexico Game and Fish Department’s Gila Trout conservation work.
- Read about Arizona Game and Fish Department’s Gila Trout conservation work.
- Read this May 2015 article by Craig Springer about U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Gila Trout conservation work.
- Listen to this U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Fish of the Week podcast about Gila Trout, interviewing Trevor Luna (US Fish and Wildlife Service Mora National Fish Hatchery) and Jill Wick (New Mexico Department of Game and Fish) (August 30, 2021).
- Watch this short film of Gila Trout restoration work in the headwaters of the Gila River, New Mexico. Film courtesy of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
- Watch this short video clip of Gila Trout being released into West Fork Oak Creek, Arizona. Video courtesy of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
- Watch this video of wild Gila Trout in Mogollon Creek, in the Gila National Forest. Video courtesy of the U.S. Forest Service and Dustin Myers.