An Invitation To Support the Western Native Trout Initiative
The 21 native trout, char and kokanee addressed by the Western Native Trout Initiative have long been considered as biologically, recreationally and culturally important. While local conservation actions have occurred, overall range-wide recovery and coordinated management of western native trout generally have been addressed in a fragmented approach.
The Western Native Trout Initiative (WNTI) provides a new perspective and impetus to improve the return on investment of the time, money and manpower dedicated to native trout conservation over the next decade. WNTI is a collaborative, multi-state approach that requires the involvement of a wide range of partners – from private individuals to conservation-minded organizations and corporations. The Western Native Trout Initiative is endorsed and administered by the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies and is recognized as a National Fish Habitat Partnership by the National Fish Habitat Action Plan.
Join the Campaign for Western Native Trout!

For further information please contact:
Western Native Trout Initiative
c/o Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Business Office
P.O. Box 190150, Boise, ID 83719
Phone: (208) 331-9431 x105
Partnership is the key component in making WNTI work. Partners work together to become one voice for the future of these iconic fishes. Partners give local, regional, and national support, either through time, money, or staff time. Because the partnership is long-term and includes many agencies, local organizations, and individuals with different fields of expertise, each partner is a vital link in preserving, protecting, and enhancing the status of native trout, char, and kokanee across the West.
You have the opportunity to play a key role in guaranteeing our native trout heritage in America. WNTI partners are the keystone for on-the-ground projects as well as being the local eyes and ears of the partnership. WNTI Partners will receive and be provided information that is important to native trout management in your area, as well as across the West.
Whether it is becoming involved with a local native trout enhancement project, providing funding or support for a important state or regional trout habitat project, joining the WNTI Partners Council, or helping to seek Congressional funding for the Initiative, your decision to invest in, and support the future of western native trout is vital to their survival.